Email marketing is a powerful tool that businesses can use to reach and engage their target audience.
How to provide a unique user experience
The experience of a user on a website plays an extremely important role in increasing interest in a company, being a way through which the customer interacts with the brand. But what does user experience actually mean? Many times I […]
What to consider when designing a website
As in any field, before starting the journey, we need to plan it. Establishing a purpose is extremely important because it dictates the design and content
Seasonal marketing. Myth or reality?
Seasonal marketing offers many benefits to businesses. With increased internet traffic, the holidays are a great opportunity to attract new customers
5 reasons why you should include Video Marketing in your 2021 strategy
2021 has reoriented our vision at the level of marketing strategy As a result of the emergence of the pandemic period that came with various changes in consumer behavior, regardless of the industry/field we want to refer to. In general, […]
Digital trends to follow in 2021.
All marketing strategies revolve around customers or potential consumers, but do not ignore the fact that you, as a brand, must not neglect your true values
Graphic trends. Predictions for 2021
Online marketing remains the main pawn. Even if 2021 is also unpredictable given the pandemic context, graphic trends will help us refresh our brand.
(Almost) everything about product photography
Choose a device that can deliver quality photos. Watch photography tutorials. About the process itself, but also about editing.
What not to do in Social Media. Avoiding digital traps.
Social Media = any digital tool through which users quickly create content that they then share with the public. In short, we are talking about various digitally mediated interactive technologies that facilitate the creation or exchange of information, ideas and other forms of expression.
How to have the ideal logo
Objectively speaking, after all, if we want an example of an ideal logo we should look to brands that sell (market leaders, in particular).